Please excuse the inevitable typos, I am also blogging whilst chronic and only two days post event so not at my best
Some advice based on my experiences.
I have moderate to severe
CFS/ME (with Lyme disease complications) this means I’m not well enough
to work but I am usually not bed bound either. If I rest enough I can
look “normal”. My experiences may differ from yours but general advice
can still be helpful.
Prepare for the event as far ahead as you
can and do little bits of prep at a time. This goes double if you are
making costume. Don’t leave it for a rush at the last minute as this
will use up valuable spoons. Get your travel bag/box out early and throw
in pieces of kit as you find them - this avoids the last minute “WHERE
and clear the day before the event to be a rest day as much as
possible, only give yourself low energy tasks to do. If you are in work
and can manage your workload to be light then do it, or consider
using annual leave/flexi/TOIL to take off that extra day or half day if
you can. Store up every spoon you can.
Likewise make sure you
have the day after the event off or cleared. Don’t plan on doing
anything the day after an event. Reintroduce activity very carefully and
slowly and give yourself permission to rest. I find writing “rest and
recover” on my to do list helpful as it feels like I am actively
engaging in recovery instead of just being lazy.
Your recovery may
take longer than others and that’s ok.
<100 2-3="" 5="" 6="" accordingly.="" activity="" adjust="" advice="" all="" am="" and="" are="" at="" been="" booking="" can="" close="" event="" events="" fest="" follow="" for="" from.="" from="" have="" i="" if="" include="" least="" many="" me="" normal="" not="" or="" p="" people="" physically="" prepped="" recover="" remember="" return="" sensible="" take="" that="" this="" to="" together.="" tough="" weekend="" weeks="" well="" will="">Take naps at the
event. It doesn’t make you boring, it doesn’t make you less of a LARPer.
It keeps you safe and stops you getting seriously ill. If you take
naps, it means that you are more capable of good roleplay when you are
up and about.
I prefer IC sleeping arrangements when available or
creating or finding an IC sleeping spot. Sleeping IC means I feel that I
am still part of the game if I take a nap or lie down for a bit. I can
still keep one ear on what’s going on (as I usually only dose not fall
flat asleep) so can make decisions to get up and join in if I want. It
also means I can lie down and rest and people can still interact with me
if they want.
I find this especially useful at larger games as
going OC to nap can mean walking a fair distance which is extra tiring
and can make getting IC again trickier. I also find that IC arrangements
are easier to collapse in to in full kit which is easier than having to
remove kit to try and get into an OC tent or bed. YMMV - I know other
people who prefer OC sleeping far away from the action as they are less
likely to be disturbed and will get a deeper sleep, especially at night.
Figure out what benefits you require and what keeps you happiest
mentally whilst still giving you the rest you need.
Tell people
you are ill and what you will be doing and why. It doesn’t have to be
everybody but a few people you trust especially if you are in their IC
group or will be playing close to them. Letting them know means that
they will respect your decision not to go running around outside after
plot. It can also mean that they know when IC medics need to be called
and when you just need to be left alone to sit quietly for a bit. Things
I tell them include:
- I may look dazed and confused, or
be sat looking very tired or in pain. If it is IC I will give you the
IC description and act accordingly, if it is the CFS/ME I’ll refer to
“the old wound” and I just need to be left to rest.
- I will happily take on your important sitting in one spot tasks.
- I
may need to take a nap or lie down - I’ll let you know so you don’t
think I’ve been kidnapped IC and so you know where to find me.
- I
have meds on me, this is what they look like. I appreciate being asked
if I have medicated if I am looking particularly out of it.
to the refs/organisers and let them know your limitations. They can
probably make some things a little more accessible to you, for example -
maybe they have plot that is key to your character and want to send an
NPC to you. Instead of setting up the meeting half mile walk into the
woods, they may instruct the NPC to go to you directly, or make the
meeting happen just outside. Refs are generally lovely people who want
to facilitate you enjoying the game.
Make sure you eat properly.
Everybody should do this, but hunger and low blood sugar can really
screw up people with CFS/ME. If you can, talk to the caterers and ask
when meal times will be. Ask if there is any snack food available for
between meal times. Carry your own snacks with you: protein and carbs
are good. My choice is generally nuts, dried fruit, roast spiced chick
peas and so on. Other people really like jerky or biltong. We are using
up a lot of energy during a game, even if we aren’t running around.
LARPs tend to keep us in a state of readiness or cycling through fight
or flight responses. Snacking is important.
Similarly stay hydrated.
Water, juice, hot drinks are all good - try and keep on top of them
throughout the day. This is a good time to make use of those people you
talked to about being ill. Ask if they could get you a drink so you
don’t use up too much energy on basic self care and can reserve that
energy for hitting monsters.
Take your meds. I can’t emphasise
this strongly enough. Make sure you have your meds with you at all times
and take them. Don’t be all stoic. You will likely have a lot of
adrenaline and other hormones active during a game and that can mask
pain responses, but as soon as that adrenaline wears off you’ll feel it.
Take your meds. During games I try and take my painkillers (nefopam
co-codamol and ibuprofen) regularly at their low dose and then if I still
hurt I can take up to the higher dose. It really helps. Make sure to
take any other meds (i.e. gabapentin or pregabalin) with you to the
event, know where they are and don’t forget to take them. Wearing a
watch can be helpful to check times, and whilst an alarm may not be
strictly IC it can help you a lot and most people are understanding.
warm. A lot of the events I go to are in the autumn and at scout camps
with dubious heating. If it’s cold you use energy to stay warm -
precious energy that could be going in to running from monsters. Cold
also causes muscle contractions and shivering which can cause a lot of
pain. Make sure your costume has a few layers that you can add or remove
to regulate your body temp. Thermal under layers are great for staying
warm without covering up pretty kit. I am a massive fan of stick on heat
pads like Cura-heat and remembering to apply them to tight back muscles
saves me as they soothe the muscles and keep me warm. Consider little
chemical handwarmers and hot water bottles. Make sure your bed has
sufficient blankets and covers and you have something cosy to sleep in.
Don’t sleep in the socks you’ve been wearing, switch to a fresh pair or
bed socks for night time.
It’s OK to have to change plans mid
game. OK it kind of sucks at the time, but it is OK, I promise. Those
people you told, tell them. They understand and don’t mind. You aren’t
screwing any one over if you have to stop what you where doing. At
Falling Down, I am a scavenger, that means going out in to the woods to
look for resources. I did it twice and it hurt me a lot, I was getting
more and more fatigued. I had to call it off and confine my activities
to indoors. We worked it out as a group, prioritised what resources we
needed and made it work anyway. I was given more things to do inside so I
wasn’t bored. If I had been stubborn and gone out anyway, I would have
broken even harder than I did and not been able to have some of the
amazing roleplay moments I had, including some which improved game for
other people. Traipsing through the woods for a scrap of metal isn’t
worth loosing out on good game.
If you use a mobility aid like a
stick, use it in game. If you can get a suitable IC looking one all the
better. You don’t need a reason for your character to have one if you
don’t want, but coming up with a reason can be fun. Most people don’t
ask though. If you use a wheelchair or scooter, use that too. Talk to the organisers about accessibility and what you require or what your
limitations are. Again you can make it part of the character if you want
or you can ignore it. Other players will follow your lead.
I think that’s everything. I hope it helps people with CFS/ME find LARP easier.